Tuesday, February 12, 2008

February in Tel Aviv

I know, I know. I promised a blog and then didn't post anything. I've written potential posts for it, but they remained a word document, unable to cross over to the other side. The Wireless at my mother's house is a bit capricious (let me rephrase: the wireless signal I've been stealing from the neighbours has been capricious...) so I'm gonna post an old one from Amsterdam next and there are more coming! I promise!

But first: I am happy to inform that my amazing sister is now an amazing new mom to a beautiful little thing! She is still nameless, as she hasn't communicated her name to us yet. Mother, daughter and father (who arrived from Arizona FIVE hours before my sister was rushed to the hospital!) are happy and healthy.

In other news: it was 22 degrees today. That’s right. Welcome to February in Tel Aviv.
Sure, they tell me they froze their asses two weeks ago, that the temperature went down to 7 degrees in the day and as low as 2 over night (!) and that Wednesday is going to be stormy. But all I know is that it was sunny and warm today and we sat outside and had coffee in t-shirts and it sort of felt like summer in Vancouver.

I haven’t been to Israel in February for 13 years. Even before I moved to Canada I spent my winters in Asia because, well, I didn’t like the cold. So yes, I have memories of cold winters and I’m pretty sure it can get pretty nasty some days.

But 22 degrees! In February! I don’t mean to rub it in or anything, I promise you it is much warmer in your homes than it is in mine and as I write this I’m bundled up in my warmest attire by a heater.

Gotta go eat more of my mom's food.


FScott said...

Loving the updates my dearest. Even from afar you are inspiring...I swear, I'm 'gonna start blogging again! Anyways, also wanted to mention I have the Yemen Bradt guide-it was published in November but I couldn't get it any sooner. Although it may be irrelevant to a foreign local such as yourself, if you want me to send it to you, let me know. Could have some good links for your researching travels. Google Bradt Yemen and you'll get a write up. Daniel McLaughlin is the author. Cheers me dears and YES, I'm jealous of 22 degrees. I'll keep the profanities to myself.

Luv Fi

Ayelet said...

Thanks, babe! I'm honoured to have you as a reader... The guide sounds interesting... I would love to get it, but you sending it over here might be a bit expensive, don't you think? By the way, I didn't get your submission this week! Why not? I'd like to pleeeeease!